So, what do you do?

Mandy May Cheetham
2 min readNov 1, 2021
Photo by Kássia Melo from Pexels

Who wants to know?

it’s like asking air to discuss the effects of the wind

mostly because me and my description of myself have a lot of baggage

we’re in a co-dependent situation

each blaming the other for either saying too much or too little

leaving out the good bits or leaving them in

I just want to be seen

and then I want to actually feel good about being seen

keep my gaze off myself long enough to see them seeing me

but it’s hard cause my ego likes me to be on the icy ledge of ‘comedic’ self


somewhere between self hatred and ‘I woke up like this (flawless).’

I think this is why I write stories. Why I act. Sing Songs and colour.

To take the light off me for a hot second.

Lasso my attention onto something other than my image.

If I’m lucky, it’ll get pulled so tightly that I’ll connect to the other Me.

The one with all the good ideas.

Those transcendent ones.

That’s all I want.



Mandy May Cheetham

“Attempting to age in Hollywood is like trying to skydive in a shopping cart.” Host of the podcast Going Gray in Tinsel Town, and creator of MUTHA on HBOmax.